REVIVE: Dwayne Smyth Interview

In 2021, we collaborated with OMG - Optimum Marketing Group to craft a video campaign for Belford Properties' REVIVE. The project is part of their Wellside Collection, situated along Vancouver's Cambie Corridor. Along with the official promotional video and showroom reel that we shared at the time, there was also a suite of interview videos created, which we've not shared here before. In this one, Dwayne Smyth of SHAPE Architecture describes his and his team's architectural design work on the project. Enjoy the video, and stay tuned for some of the other interviews...

REVIVE is now 80% sold, with the final release now selling. If you're looking for a beautiful townhome, get in touch with BakerWest Real Estate.

You can learn more about this project here.


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REVIVE: Karin Bohn Interview